How to Sidestep the Perils of Budgeting for Digital Transformation

Many of our clients are making digital transformation happen by accessing various government funding programs. Those programs want to see detailed financial information, including a “project budget.”

How do you create a realistic budget for digital transformation when you know you’re headed on a journey that won’t be a predictable “project”? Here are some guidelines for creating a detailed but flexible set of numbers to persuade funders and keep your team on track.

How to Stay on Track with Your Digital Roadmap

A solid plan is essential for digital transformation. But that’s just the beginning. As you move from planning into execution mode, here are some practical pointers to help you achieve your vision for modernizing your business.

6 Different Types of Digital Resources for Business

The fourth industrial revolution (4IR) is well underway. And the most significant change it has brought is the digitization of most business processes. Those who don’t adapt to the changes and fail to adopt digital transformation will lose opportunities to grow their businesses exponentially. That’s why you must implement the right digital resources that will […]

How to Map Your Way to Business Modernization That Works

When you decide to modernize your business, you embark on a journey to some place you haven’t been before. But just because you’re traveling toward unexplored territory doesn’t mean you can’t create a map to take you there. A detailed digital roadmap makes the difference between digital initiatives that yield real results and those that disappoint.

15 Small Business Ecommerce Tips

Ecommerce is booming and many brands are raking in huge profits. Here are 15 small business ecommerce tips and strategies you can use to ensure your success.

How Much Are Legacy Systems Costing Your Small Business?

Wondering whether your old computers or software can see you through another year or whether you should upgrade? Use these tips to modernize your legacy systems intelligently, based on a detailed analysis of risks and benefits.

The Straight Goods On Business Analytics

Done right, data analytics can boost performance across every aspect of your business. But before you get started, it’s important to separate the hype from the reality so you and your team don’t get overwhelmed. Use the SMART framework to set yourself up for analytics success.

5 Digital Solutions to Help Your Business Take Off

It’s long been the case that nimble businesses are the ones that come out ahead. And with the power of digital technologies and the modern age, this has never been more true. Indeed, just about any business today can benefit from digital solutions that can revolutionize how they do business.  After all, if the COVID-19 […]

Rehumanize Your Sales Process Through Automation

How much time are your salespeople actually spending on selling? Sales is a remarkably complex human activity. As Daniel Pink points out in To Sell is Human, it’s also deeply connected to who we are as a species. The desire to persuade others to join us in a belief, a mission, or an experience forms […]