How to Sidestep the Perils of Budgeting for Digital Transformation

Many of our clients are making digital transformation happen by accessing various government funding programs. Those programs want to see detailed financial information, including a “project budget.”

How do you create a realistic budget for digital transformation when you know you’re headed on a journey that won’t be a predictable “project”? Here are some guidelines for creating a detailed but flexible set of numbers to persuade funders and keep your team on track.

How to Stay on Track with Your Digital Roadmap

A solid plan is essential for digital transformation. But that’s just the beginning. As you move from planning into execution mode, here are some practical pointers to help you achieve your vision for modernizing your business.

6 Different Types of Digital Resources for Business

The fourth industrial revolution (4IR) is well underway. And the most significant change it has brought is the digitization of most business processes. Those who don’t adapt to the changes and fail to adopt digital transformation will lose opportunities to grow their businesses exponentially. That’s why you must implement the right digital resources that will […]

How to Choose the Right Digital Solution Provider

Engaging a DSP should mean much more than “outsourcing” an aspect of your IT function. Ideally, it means joining forces with a partner that will get to know your business as well as their own and care about its success as deeply as you do.

Four Ways to Modernize Your Business When You’re Not in Love with Technology

As you consider ways that technology (hardware as well as software) could benefit your business, examine each of the five pillars that make up your organization. You may be surprised to discover the potential you see. Each pillar affords opportunities to introduce digital solutions that can improve efficiency, lower costs, and sharpen your competitive edge.